Leduc Movies

Leduc Movies

Ticket to Paradise

Ticket to Paradise
Score: 6.91 / 10
Released: October 21, 2022
Director: Ol Parker
Producer: Deborah Balderstone, Eric Fellner, Sarah Harvey, Tim Bevan
Studio: Universal Pictures
Cast: George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Kaitlyn Dever, Billie Lourd, Lucas Bravo, Maxime Bouttier, Romy Poulier, Sean Lynch, Arielle Carver-O'Neill, Ling Cooper Tang
Genre: Comedy
Length: 104 minutes

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Ticket to Paradise Overview

Divorced couple David (George Clooney) and Georgia Cotton (Julia Roberts) were only married for five years. They feel the only good thing to come out of their union was their daughter Lily (Kaitlyn Dever), who's now graduating from college and has a job as a lawyer waiting for her.

David and Georgia's relationship is acrimonious to the point that they don't even want to be in the same room, but when they discover that the vacation Lily took to Bali has found her engaged to a seaweed farmer, and that she no longer wants to be a lawyer, they rush to the island to convince her to change her mind, believing that she's repeating the mistake they made.


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