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Released: | May 28, 1969 |
Director: | Sergio Leone |
Producer: | Bino Cicogna, Fulvio Morsella |
Studio: | Paramount Pictures |
Cast: | Henry Fonda, Claudia Cardinale, Jason Robards, Charles Bronson, Gabriele Ferzetti, Frank Wolff, Paolo Stoppa, Marco Zuanelli, Lionel Stander, Jack Elam, John Frederick, Enzo Santianello |
Genre: | Action |
Length: | 165 minutes |
An injured railroad baron, Morton (Gabriele Ferzetti) wants to get his hands on prominent land currently occupied by Brett McBain (Frank Wolff). To get Brett out of the picture permanently, Morton hires a killer by the name of Frank (Henry Fonda) to carry out the deed. Morton's plans are soon foiled when he learns of Brett's new bride Jill, who has inherited everything, including the land.
Outlaws Cheyenne (Jason Robards) and Harmonica (Charles Bronson) take it upon themselves to protect Jill from Morton, each for their own ulterior motives.
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