Greater Montreal Movies

Greater Montreal Movies

Chan is Missing

Chan is Missing
Score: write a review
Director: Wayne Wang
Producer: Wayne Wang
Cast: Wood Moy, Laureen Chew
Length: 80 minutes

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Chan is Missing Overview

This thriller about a $4000 robbery was successfully lensed by writer/director Wayne Wang on a budget of $22,000. Cabdrivers Wood Moy and Marc Hayashi are robbed by the elusive Chan Hung (whom we never see in the film). As Moy and Hayashi track down the thief, Wang offers indelible images of the seamier portions of San Francisco's Chinatown. Whether the two cabbies ever retrieve their lost loot is immaterial; the film is a mood and character piece, seasoned with unexpected moments of laughter. Chan is Missing became a sleeper on the arthouse circuit, a fact that would open many professional doors for the multi-talented Wayne Wang.


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